Stephen started his orthopedic residency on June 21. For the first year he does a general surgery year. Each month is spent on a different rotation. He started on trauma, then on to vascular surgery, and is now doing ortho. Next month will be plastic surgery. So far he is learning a lot and really enjoying it. The hours are a little rough but we are doing great. When you don’t have a ton of time together, what you do have is precious and you make the most of it. I am so proud of him and I am thankful that we get to do this journey together.
There are four residents for each year and five years in the program. Stephen’s co-residents are Justin, Jake, and Julia. Justin and Leslie came from Kansas City and have two little girls: Liviella and Rivleigh Rose. Jake and Carly are from Georgia and just had a baby girl named Louise. Julia is from California and is married to one of the general surgery residents, Dave. They are all really nice and we are super excited to get to know them better.
From left to right: Stephen, Julia, Justin, and Jake