Saturday was the 33rd annual Cooper River Bridge Run. Stephen and I started training for it 10 weeks ago. (Well actually I started training, Stephen could run a 10k with just a day's notice). We found a schedule online that tells you what to do everyday for 8 weeks. We were doing really well. We were even running the actual bridge on Sundays (the distance days). We were up to about 4.5 miles in week 5 when I injured my knee. Ever since then I haven't been able to run more than 10 minutes without it giving out on me and being in extreme pain. For the past couple weeks I have been icing it, taking Aleve, and doing lots of strengthening exercises, but it hasn't gotten any better. Needless to say, we didn't get to run the bridge. We ran the first mile and had to walk the rest. My wonderful husband was so sweet and walked with me even though he could have kept going. I was really disappointed that I had to stop running after the first mile, especially since I had been working really hard to get ready for it. I swam competitively for 10 years, but I am not and never have been a runner. It took a lot of "pushing through" for me to get to the point where I actually got the runner's high. (Swimming is great by the way- your joints don't hurt and you can't feel yourself sweat since you are in the water.) Hopefully when my knee heals we can find another 10k to do together.
Chad Hewett, one of Stephen's good friends, came up from Georgia to run the bridge. He did great and finished in under an hour. Chad stayed with us for the weekend and we had a great time!
This guy actually has his dog in his backpack!
I don't even know what to say about this!Weird!
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